Some Issues to be Addressed
Plans for Phase 1
5 Year Restoration Project
- To preserve Schoolhouse #1 for historical and civic purposes
- To maintain and improve the museum for the care and preservation of objects and writings related to Royalston
- Foster the educational value of the history of Royalston for present and future generations
Your donation will be matched!
All donations will be matched through a grant from the Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund.
Goal: $75,000
Amount raised to date: $34,681!
Mail donations to:
PO Box 23, Royalston, MA 01368
What we’re doing
$150,000 Total Project Expense
Year 1, Phase 1
Bell Tower Renovations, Exterior Restorations, Windows, etc.
Year 2-3, Phase 2
Roofs, Structural Reinforcements, Escape Doors, etc.
Year 3-5, Phase 3
Interior Work, Reset Granite Foundations, etc.
Become a Member
Enjoy making new friends and learning about the history of Royalston through quarterly meetings, potluck suppers, and special events. We meet quarterly and periodically have special presentations. Potluck Suppers are done twice a year in April and October.
Mail your donation check payable to the Royalston Historical Society and mail to PO Box 23, Royalston, MA 01368. Or, you can make a donation and become a member online.